Introducing me

Hello! My very first post. Who’s excited?! Hands up…No? Oh ok.

I thought first and foremost the most important thing to do would be to introduce myself and the reasons I’m starting this blog. So here’s a little bit about me, about why I’m doing this and what I plan to write about.

My name is Lizzie, I’m 18 years old, and I love to bake (although you probably could have guessed that). I’m very sarcastic, very logical, and think I’m much funnier than I actually am. I’m currently on a gap year (more about that later) before (hopefully) going off to study History at Bristol. My favourite things in the world are cake, music, and my baby niece Lily. And chips. I overuse ellipses, parentheses, and lists a lot so get ready for that. Baking is something I’ve enjoyed doing for quite a few years now, and I think it’s fair to say I’ve pretty much got the basics covered. However, the reason this blog came about is much more short-term.

To cut a long and painful story short, thanks to a very minor, very stupid, and very badly-timed injury involving a trampoline, my knee, and my front teeth, I was forced to postpone taking up my place at Bristol for a year. So, to console myself after I realised I’d have to remain living with my parents for yet another year, I wrote a list of everything useful I could do to ensure that a) my time wasn’t wasted and b) that I wouldn’t die of boredom. Amongst the usual New-Year’s-Resolution-type items such as “get fit” and “learn to drive” I wrote “become a baking master”. And that is exactly what I plan to do – to learn as much as I can about the science and the techniques of baking and decorating, and this blog is going to be my way of documenting and hopefully sharing what I learn.

So whether you’re a complete beginner looking to learn something new, a confident amateur here to sniff out some recipes, or Mary friggin’ Berry, I formally welcome you to my Great British Bakeaway. Enjoy!

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! 🙂


    1. Lizzie says:

      Thank you!! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Lizzie says:

      Thank you so much! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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